Puntoasterisco in the Ranking of Mkt Digital Merca2.0 2019

We are in the Top Ten at the Jalisco level.
We are in the Top Ten at the Jalisco level; this fills us with pride because staying is important but growing is also essential. We’ve gone up 20 places on this list, and we’re still moving forward.
We are an agency that continuously updates and improves its processes. We understand the importance of building ties with customers and adding value to strategies. The benefits are mutual. The success of your brand is the value of ours; this is our motto.
Why hire a digital marketing agency?
Agencies have become managers of digital tools, and they are even carrying support with strategic value when developing integral activities because it seeks to create deeper marketing strategies and thus generate impact.
The investments have been growing because companies have realized that leads bring quality to their content, increasing their income.
Being a digital partner of brands is the idea that has been at the forefront in agencies and must use creativity to innovate.
How much did some countries invest in digital advertising in 2018?
The United States leads with $112,297.5 million, Canada with an investment of $7,099, Brazil with $8,136.8, Argentina with $5,082.3, our country with $3,262.7, and Colombia with $1,085.2.
What are the challenges facing agencies?
Low budgets, unfair competition, low funding, wrong accounts, dependence on a third party, and insecurity are some of the factors that have become real challenges to face.
The most contracted services are:
Influencers 37%
Video and photography production 34.5%
Development of applications 27.3%
Website development and design 17%
Programmatic 15.8 per cent
and Video Games 10.9%
Agencies seek a dialogue with their consumers to increase business and develop them. Human talent is vital to achieving any indicator. Each team member's skills consider the shape of the services with high quality. Independent agencies now account for 81% of the entire industry, according to Merca 2.0 research.
The digital market is ready to generate more achievements in 2019, and Puntoasterisco is prepared to continue harvesting them.